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A lot of people say that a picture paints a thousand words. Not only does this prove that a single picture can express our feelings, but it also proves that photography does speak. With the modern generation that we are in today, photographs can be considered a digital universal language. I have them, you have them, everyone has them. And since there is always more than meets the eye, there are also things that you can only be able to see through the lens of a camera.

Baguio City is known as the Summer Capital of the Philippines and a UNESCO Creative City for Crafts and Folk Arts. These designations even make numerous tourists eager to experience strolling around the picturesque city. With its new tourism tagline #BreatheBaguio, it has always been one of the top destinations for tourists because of its chilly temperature, pine-dominated landscapes, and overall romantic atmosphere. The refreshing mountain sides and appealing views are the highlights in the city which you will appreciate and enjoy. This mountain city has attracted not just domestic tourists but also foreign tourists that can be a world-class topography for many travelers all around the world.

The City of Pines is a place that could offer a variety of needs to different travelers and most of the tourists are looking for a place to travel around that can have a scenic view and could provide them a good portrait as if they are in a paradise or moreover in a different place. Baguio can offer that kind of place, they can have beautiful scenery, colorful culture, creative artisans, and brilliant attractions that would captivate tourists. The flowers are Baguio’s most special asset with its kaleidoscopic flowers that will allure travelers’ attention. Different attractions complement other remarkable attractions as well with their picturesque view, especially the parks that include the broad and unique culture of Baguio!

Although every shot and every photograph has its own true meaning, there are a lot of reasons why people click on the shutter button in all of their travels. Some people just do it out of a hobby, some do it for their memoir. But what photography means to most people, is that it allows us to create moments to capture and hold memories to preserve. It’s almost as if photography can make the time stop. You can keep a memory of the people that you love, preserve a moment in history for future generations to see and become a witness to both joyous and sad moments in life. People are drawn to visuals which depict life before the present. It documents everyday life, and what seems to be dull and boring, can become a reflection for the future generation.


Contributors: Benjamin Jhylle P. Mararac, Juliane A. Ragudo & Francel Mae Pintucan

Photo by: Jaime Singlador

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